Saas-Fee is very easy to reach and has sufficient parking spaces. Or arrive conveniently by train and bus.
Arriving by car
Drivers arriving from the north travel via Bern through the Lötschberg (car train), from the east via the Furka Pass (or car train), from the south via the Simplon Pass. From western Switzerland, you can reach the Saas Valley via Lausanne along the Rhone Valley as far as Visp.
Arriving by train
Train passengers arrive via Brig or Visp and change to the Postauto bus with "Saas-Fee" as its direct destination. There are connections every 30 minutes until 8:45 pm from Brig or until 9:10 pm from Visp. Deposit your luggage at the counter at the train station where you live and pick it up at the Postauto bus station in the Saas Valley at the post office.
SBB rail timetable: Saas-Fee, Busterminal
Taxi service (electric)
Once you have arrived in Saas-Fee, our electric taxi will bring you to the Park-Hotel in comfort.